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Hannah Loving

Public Relations Professional

About Me

Hannah Loving could best be described as a big dreamer in a small town. Growing up in a “city” with half the population of her current institution, VCU, and a graduating class of only 90; many assumed her to be destined to a quaint life in the small town of Lottsburg alongside many of her peers. But Hannah always knew she was meant for more. She had momentous ambitions from a young age and had always been determined to reach those goals. It didn’t take long for Hannah to realize that she didn't fit into the cookie cutter lifestyle of those around her. She lived a life of being unapologetically herself even when others judged her for her outside of the box personality and interests. She lived out loud and creatively through her fashion, photos, and her writing (which is portrayed on her instagram @_haann). Though Hannah was capable of finding her originality in her hometown, she yearned to be around individuals who could push her creative limits and help her grow as an individual. She dreamed of the day she could go to college and be surrounded by peers who could appreciate and accept her individuality. 

After high school graduation, Hannah packed up her things and moved to Newport News, Virginia where she attended Christopher Newport University to study marketing. It wasn't long after attending the university that she realized it wasn't enough for her. Halfway through her sophomore year, Hannah decided to make the life changing decision to transfer as an effort to keep the promise she made to herself to be surrounded by creativity and innovative thinkers. This would turn out to be the best decision she could have made. Now, after almost a year of living in the city of Richmond; Hannah has been the happiest and the most ambitious that she had ever been. She made real friends for the first time in her life that shared similar interests to her, she’s studying a major and minor that will allow her to pursue her dream career of being a PR agent in the fashion industry and she’s spending everyday in a spontaneous city full of diversity and creativity. She took a leap of faith in order to strive for her personal growth and it paid off tremendously.



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